The Phoenix Counseling Collective
531 E. Lynwood St. Phoenix, AZ 85004






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Psychotherapy can be a relieving experience for those who struggle with severe anxiety and help them get their life back. Having someone else to work with you helps eliminate shame around the anxiety and helps you understand the physiological, emotional, and cognitive dynamics at play, along with its origins and function of the pattern of avoiding danger.

Anxiety – the Vicious Cycle

As the days lengthen and the promise of summer begins to stir in the air, those of us living in the desert face a unique seasonal transition. This time is not only marked by a gradual increase in temperature but also by a surge in activities and responsibilities. Students and parents alike enter one of […]

Navigating the Final Stretch: From Spring Break to Summer in the Desert

Disclaimer: These are just some thoughts of one therapist. Use them if they are helpful. Discard all others.  “Why provide therapy in a time like this?” This is the question that bounced around in me during the first 2 weeks of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Ironically, this question was not a conscious one, but instead one […]

Why Provide Therapy at a Time Like This? A Psychotherapist Questions his Profession During COVID-19

Advice for Spouses Confined to Their Homes: Make a schedule and plan for downtime. Having some structure can help parents and children have a sense of normalcy. It will also help guide the day and can create a team atmosphere about how you will all do the day together. Humans thrive with rhythms in their […]

Parenting, Partnering, and BE-ing During the COVID19 Pandemic

Mindfulness matters. Many studies have demonstrated this over and over again, especially related to anxiety and depression. So, to celebrate the fact that we can use our minds to alleviate our suffering, we have gotten together to share some of our favorite mindfulness activities. You CAN use these at home! Why we use Mindfulness: Neurologically […]

Mindfulness Is More than Mumbo-Jumbo

I always ask my clients what their anxiety looks like. Sometimes they look at me with a look of “aren’t you supposed to be the expert?” But I can’t be the expert on their anxiety. Only they can be that. And so, we begin the process of looking at what their anxiety looks like emotionally, […]

What Can You Learn From Your Anxiety?