The Phoenix Counseling Collective
531 E. Lynwood St. Phoenix, AZ 85004






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Psychotherapy can be a relieving experience for those who struggle with severe anxiety and help them get their life back. Having someone else to work with you helps eliminate shame around the anxiety and helps you understand the physiological, emotional, and cognitive dynamics at play, along with its origins and function of the pattern of avoiding danger.

Anxiety – the Vicious Cycle

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, leaving little room for moments of stillness and reflection. However, cultivating mindfulness – the practice of being fully present and engaged in the moment – can profoundly impact our mental health and overall well-being. Let’s delve deeper […]

Cultivating Mindfulness in Daily Life: Embrace the Power of Presence

Did you know?  It’s normal to have thoughts about suicide but not be depressed or suicidal.  For example, when you’re standing on a bridge overlooking a beautiful sunset and have a passing thought about jumping off, that doesn’t necessarily indicate you’re suicidal and need to panic about having the thought. It might just mean your […]

September is National Suicide Prevention Month

We are given ALL of our emotions for a reason. However, many times people struggle with the idea that anger can be appropriate or reasonable. When people are struggling with anger, they are in one of two places: 1. Anger is the only acceptable emotion, or 2. I shouldn’t feel anger/don’t want to be an […]

What To Do With Anger

Typically, when a person goes to therapy, they know they’ll be asked questions, but what kinds of questions? And why these? Sometimes the questions that are asked seem odd, or vague. In this blog post, you’ll learn the why behind some of the questions we often ask. “Where to?” Almost every session, I begin with […]

Why Does My Therapist Ask…

Here at the Phoenix Counseling Collective, we believe that emotions (what some call “feelings”) are important for a number of reasons. This post will explore the territory of what emotions are.  Emotions are… the language of the body. the currency of experientially knowing and being known.  what connect us to ourselves, other people and the […]

Why “Feelings” ARE Important

Almost everyone knows the feeling of an emotional wound, whether it be heartbreak, abandonment, or loss. When someone you love hurts you, often you can actually feel physical sensations that go along with that. For example, people will say they “have a heavy heart” or “I’m heartbroken” and this correlates to actual physical sensations they […]

Why Do Emotional Wounds Cut So Deeply?