The Phoenix Counseling Collective
531 E. Lynwood St. Phoenix, AZ 85004






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As temperatures remain high and summer seems to stretch on endlessly (especially here in Phoenix), many individuals face unique stressors that can impact their mental health. Even as schedules shift with the start of the school year and fall sports, the lingering heat adds another layer of challenge. In this article, we’ll explore common stressors […]

Navigating the End of Summer Heat and Seasonal Transitions

We are given ALL of our emotions for a reason. However, many times people struggle with the idea that anger can be appropriate or reasonable. When people are struggling with anger, they are in one of two places: 1. Anger is the only acceptable emotion, or 2. I shouldn’t feel anger/don’t want to be an […]

What To Do With Anger

Forgiveness. Just reading that word probably brings up a lot of different feelings and ideas about what it entails. For many people, forgiveness is loaded with pressure: “…you must forgive people” “…you should forgive your parents, they were just doing their best” “…forgive and forget” This post is not about defining forgiveness or talking about […]

Forgiveness and Boundaries: Why Forgiveness Doesn’t Mean Forget and go back to “Normal”