The Phoenix Counseling Collective
531 E. Lynwood St. Phoenix, AZ 85004






Our Team



“Falling in Love” is a phrase we often hear.  It is a phrase we use to describe the confluence of biological, physical and emotional aspects of attraction and connection to someone. Yes, it feels real. It is fun and exciting, and it can lay the groundwork for a solid friendship and loving attachment. What is […]

Myths and Facts about Falling in Love

For our first post of 2020, we are addressing “New Year’s Resolutions.” We cover whether we are in favor of them or against them and why, and some ideas for alternatives.  Life’s natural rhythm provides us with opportunities to stop, start, pause, and replay. Birthdays and anniversaries can help us remember, holidays give us pause […]

Ask a Therapist: Are New Year’s Resolutions a Good Idea?

Every year, around the holidays stress levels go up. There’s a lot to do! Our therapists here at the Phoenix Counseling Collective have put together a list of ideas to help you through this season. For Your General Well Being: #1) Plan something you really enjoy. We often get caught up in doing things for […]

Therapist Tips for the Holidays

When couples come into my office, it usually isn’t because their marriage is going well, and they just want to talk about how happy they are. Instead, it’s quite the opposite. They come in because something is broken in their relationship. Their connection has become disconnected. They have lost something they are afraid is “un-find-able”. […]

The “Magic” Math of Healthy Relationships

Ask a Therapist: What is Transference? When you Google the word “transference” this is what you’ll find: trans·fer·ence noun: transference Psychoanalysis the redirection to a substitute, usually a therapist, of emotions that were originally felt in childhood So.. what does that actually mean? How does this show up with you in therapy and what does […]

Ask a Therapist: What is Transference?

We are thrilled to announce that The Phoenix Counseling Collective is moving! Our new address is: 531 E. Lynwood, Phoenix, AZ 85004. For the last 6 years our practice has enjoyed seeing our clients out of an historic house in downtown Phoenix. That space felt comfortable and safe to do the difficult work of growing […]

We Are Moving

Mindfulness matters. Many studies have demonstrated this over and over again, especially related to anxiety and depression. So, to celebrate the fact that we can use our minds to alleviate our suffering, we have gotten together to share some of our favorite mindfulness activities. You CAN use these at home! Why we use Mindfulness: Neurologically […]

Mindfulness Is More than Mumbo-Jumbo

Here at the Phoenix Counseling Collective, we believe that emotions (what some call “feelings”) are important for a number of reasons. This post will explore the territory of what emotions are.  Emotions are… the language of the body. the currency of experientially knowing and being known.  what connect us to ourselves, other people and the […]

Why “Feelings” ARE Important

Almost everyone knows the feeling of an emotional wound, whether it be heartbreak, abandonment, or loss. When someone you love hurts you, often you can actually feel physical sensations that go along with that. For example, people will say they “have a heavy heart” or “I’m heartbroken” and this correlates to actual physical sensations they […]

Why Do Emotional Wounds Cut So Deeply?

When we find out that a friend or loved one has started to work out, or gone to a physical therapist, our response is usually not a disapproving,  “Oh, you’re one of those people who has to go to the gym… sounds like things are pretty rough for you.” Nor is the response, “You had […]

Go to Therapy, Get a Counselor – It’s Healthy