The Phoenix Counseling Collective
531 E. Lynwood St. Phoenix, AZ 85004






Our Team



Did you know?  It’s normal to have thoughts about suicide but not be depressed or suicidal.  For example, when you’re standing on a bridge overlooking a beautiful sunset and have a passing thought about jumping off, that doesn’t necessarily indicate you’re suicidal and need to panic about having the thought. It might just mean your […]

September is National Suicide Prevention Month

We are given ALL of our emotions for a reason. However, many times people struggle with the idea that anger can be appropriate or reasonable. When people are struggling with anger, they are in one of two places: 1. Anger is the only acceptable emotion, or 2. I shouldn’t feel anger/don’t want to be an […]

What To Do With Anger

The transition to the fall season, especially this year, has some of us feeling a little on edge. The therapists and team here have put together a list of ideas to help you with this transition.  Talk Schedule.  Talk to your partner and children about the upcoming season. What do they have coming up at […]

Tips to Help You and Your Family Transition From Summer to Fall

Typically, when a person goes to therapy, they know they’ll be asked questions, but what kinds of questions? And why these? Sometimes the questions that are asked seem odd, or vague. In this blog post, you’ll learn the why behind some of the questions we often ask. “Where to?” Almost every session, I begin with […]

Why Does My Therapist Ask…

Right now it can be difficult to practice “Self Care” – between Covid numbers rising again, the Holidays coming up, the political and social climate, as well as a number of other things, there is so much going on for everyone to manage right now.  So rather than tell you what you “should” be doing, […]

13 Ways To Practice Good Self Care

IFS, EMDR, AEDP, what do all these letters actually mean?!? It can be frustrating as you’re looking through the Good Therapy website, trying to find a good therapist, when all these acronyms, or different treatment types are thrown around. This post will help you understand the different modalities of therapy that we use at the […]

The guide to Therapeutic Modalities: What do all those acronyms mean anyway?

Love, As You Know It “I don’t want to end up with someone like my dad.” “Why do I keep ending up in unhealthy relationships/friendships?” “We just keep doing the same thing over and over and it’s not working.” “ I don’t want my kids to repeat my mistakes.” “We feel stuck and we don’t […]

Love, As You Know It

Seasonal Affective Disorder – Even Desert Dwellers Struggle Here in Phoenix, we are still in the “dog days of summer.” You can find many posts with the hashtag #dogdaysofsummer, which mostly include cute dogs and beautiful water destinations, but that is not what the original use of the term “dog days of summer” was referring […]

SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) in Phoenix

Disclaimer: These are just some thoughts of one therapist. Use them if they are helpful. Discard all others.  “Why provide therapy in a time like this?” This is the question that bounced around in me during the first 2 weeks of the Coronavirus Pandemic. Ironically, this question was not a conscious one, but instead one […]

Why Provide Therapy at a Time Like This? A Psychotherapist Questions his Profession During COVID-19

Our practice has been utilizing telehealth the past couple of weeks, and as we transition we wanted to offer some information that might be helpful.   Some Things are Still the Same: Therapy isn’t confined to a specific time, place, or modality. Much of what you’ve already been working on in the office can continue […]

The Transition to Telehealth/Teletherapy